Black Sesame Seeds

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Black sesame seeds were originated in India and taken as prominent ingredient for plenty of Asian dishes. The seeds has better flavour than other common types like white or natural sesame seeds. Oil can also be extracted from black sesame seeds that is further used for healthy cooking in your kitchen.

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  • Sesame Oil
  • Roasted Sesame Oil
  • Black Sesame Oil

If one has love for oil, has no other superior choice than "COLD PRESSED OIL"

It goes without saying that all possible Nutritional, Medicinal & Natural Qualities are intact in our oil. We can say that it is 100% virgin sesame oil. Our oil is ideal for consumers looking for natural, healthy & tasty oil. And of course there is no adulteration, no chemicals & no alteration process done to our oil.

Products Purity Impurity Moisture FFA Oil Aflatoxin Salmonella E-Coil
Black Sesame Seeds 99.95% Purity, Sortex Clean 99.95% 0.05% 6.00% 1.50% 48%min Absent Absent Absent
Packing:5lbs, 10kg, 12.5 kg, 15kg, 25lbs, 50lbs, 25kg & 30Kgs in PP Bags & Paper bags

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